welcome and thank you for visiting my site.

My name is Roberto and I was born in 1965.


I live with my family in a litlle town situated at 6 km from Conegliano Veneto and at 25 km from Treviso (North of Venice).


I've been an Electronics and Information Technology enthusiastic for a long time, I came into contact with the radio world in 1987.

First as a CB user since 1998 and then as a radioamateur (Special License since 1990 and Ordinary License since 1998).

Also I've been a U.S. radioamateur since 2009 and now have the Extra Class License.


I'm active in HF: SSB and Digital mode. I prefer JT65 and RTTY. Sometime I am active in CW.


At the moment my working condition are:

ICOM 756 P3 - YAESU FT450D - ELECRAFT K2/100 e K3 Full

ACOM x000 - SPE xK-FA


Hexbeam by SP7IDX - BUTTERNUT HF2V + 30 and 160 m kits


Kenwook TS790E - DIAMOND X 5000